Proposed kit list, am I missing anything?

Posted by: ironraven

Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/23/08 10:16 PM

I'm thinking about building kits for my folks for Christmas. This is partially a get home bag, partially break down bag. They carry real jumper cables, flares, triangle, real jack, and a real tire, but my mother only keeps a blanket and boots in her car and my dad doesn't add that much in his truck. *eye roll* They both have DeLorme map books in their vehicles.

For a carry all, I've got a pair of small Jansport school packs. I also have a pair of German-pattern mess tins that I would put in there for the carrying capacity and for snow melting/water boiling. The list, as many will notice, is based on Cody Lundin's, with a few modificications:

2x 1qt Nalgenes. I've got a bunch of wide mouth, 1 qt polycarbs, some unused. I'm thinking I might add a Geyout stainless if I've got the funds.

1x Olicamp/GSI cup.
Chlorine dioxide tablets.

Lacquered strike anywheres matches.
Doans' mag bar, cut down, with striker.
Ziplock of cotton balls.
Tube of Neosporin.
Small taper candles, double bagged.

Minimag with the Nite-Ize drop in, and two pairs of batteries.
SAK. I've got a couple of Climbers that I'm not using.
Pair of needle nose pliers, with wire cutter.

20' of wire
100' of paracord
Duct tape (not on the bottles)
Aluminum foil

Plastic whistle

Fleece blanket, but I'm thinking about upping it to wool.
2x space blankets
Tarp (not sure what size)
Poncho, and a spare

Brew kit (probably two tea bags, two pouches of hot chocolate, two pouches of cider, four coffee bags, 4 creamers- neither of them put sugar in their coffee)

What have I missed?

NOW, in my dad's defense, he was the one who thought the generator was a good idea, and he's the one that is looking into adding solar to the house so at the very least they can charge a battery backup for the water pump. He's also the one who buys two extra cords of wood every year. He's not totally out of it, he just doesn't EDC much. The thinest wallet in the family, and his keys.
Posted by: TeacherRO

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/24/08 01:51 AM

A good start. Consider;

Instructions for everything ; basic repairs, first aid, how to purify water, etc.
Fire extinguisher
old cell phone, charger (still works for 911)
First aid kit
work gloves
instant heat packs
folding snow shovel
candles for heat and light ( crack a window)

That help?

Posted by: SARbound

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/24/08 02:12 AM

Try to keep it simple. We might be survival geeks, but most of our parents are ordinary people that might not have the motivation or knowledge to start a fire, for example. I know my mother wouldn't try to light a fire, even in a survival situation. Neither would my father bother brewing some tea with a small stove he's never tinkered with before.

In other words, I would try to equip them with items that they are familiar with. I know what my mother would look for : CLOTHES. So... here goes : blankets, a candle lantern with matches/lighter, some Clif-type bars, small boxes of fruit juices, fleece hats and gloves, whistles, adhesive bandages, and some decent flashlights with lithium batteries (long shelf life, work in cold temps).

Last march, there was a huge snowstorm in Quebec City (See video: Police cars were left overnight unattended on major highways because they were covered with snow! Dozens and dozens of people decided to leave their vehicles pretty much everywhere, right in the middle of major highways and on secondary roads... Everybody survived the ordeal, it was just an inconvenience. People helped each other out, some snowmobilers picked some people up and took them at their place to stay overnight, etc.

My point is... don't skimp with the basics. Blankets, fleece hats, candle lantern, something to eat.

Posted by: Rodion

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/24/08 10:57 AM

Actual water would probably go the farthest in terms of investment/payoff ratio.
Posted by: Yuccahead

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/24/08 02:37 PM

Since you live in Vermont, this may be obvious and therefore not included on your list but do they have snow scrapers, tire chains or lock de-icers or whatever else people in snow-bound states use to keep their car driving in blizzards?
Posted by: big_al

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/24/08 04:03 PM

If they are where there is adequate water available I think I would change out one to the Nalgene bottles for a filter type bottle, that way they just need to fill that bottle and squirt it into the Nalgene for filtered water.And I might also add a small alcohol stove or a Esbit stove. The alcohol stove would be better if used inside a stranded car.

Posted by: ironraven

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/24/08 10:32 PM

Thanks guys.

Cold weather gear- covered. They dress for the weather, and adding clothing would make these quite a bit bigger. That, and I made a deal with my folks when I was 14- they don't give me clothes for the holidays, and I won't retaliate. :P

Scrapers and the like- covered. Tire chains for a Ranger don't do much, and for my mother's Metro it would be probably be counter productive. :P

Work gloves and hot hands, good idea.

I was thinking about filter bottle, but there is a cost issue. There are also questions about filters being left in a car at 40 below- most of them really don't like it. If I was to do something like that, I'd probably go with one of the McNetts.

I should point out the plan. My mother drives 14 miles from my folks house to the hospital, where she is the librarian and PR person, along with being part of their emergency committee. My dad drives 35 miles to where he works, which is about 3 miles from his brother's place or four from my brother's place. So these aren't three days packs, these are off the road on the side of the interstate kind of kits with the option of walking <15 miles to a known place to hole up.
Posted by: lifeview

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/25/08 12:11 AM

Also you may want to consider:
A small folding saw to clear fallen limbs from the road
A MPI All Weather blanket as additional shelter or small tarp, also works as a signaling device
Cyalume light sticks ( I know Doug hates them and they don't do well in cold temperatures, but they couldn't hurt and are cheap)
First Aid kit, as mentioned
Lithium batteries for improved cold weather performance and shelf life
Snacks that travel well
Hand sanitizer/ body wipes

Just my thoughts.
LifeView Outdoors
Posted by: BobS

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/26/08 02:52 AM

All the above Plus an AAA Membership.

If they are not survival geeks, they will be reaching for a phone. AAA auto membership can get them out of a lot of minor problems before they turn bad. And it gives them a great piece of mind knowing someone will come help with even a flat tire or a dead battery on a rainy, cold night.
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/26/08 09:11 PM

They both have AAA. My mother has a TracFone that spends half it's life without active minutes, my dad doesn't bother. *rolls eyes* I, of all people, me, the guy who hates cell phones as much as he hates cockroaches, has finally broken down and bought one of the things.

I won't buy them phones.
Posted by: clearwater

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 09/26/08 11:17 PM

Ditto on the shovel. It can be the only thing that gets you home
in snow or mud season.
Posted by: digimark

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 10/01/08 11:42 PM

This is just off the top of my head, but presumably your parents are older people with set ways. Buying them a bunch of stuff that they've never seen before just means when they need it, they won't think to use it.

The best thing you can add to your list is sitting down with them for a half-hour to an hour, and going over the kit, talking about when they might need it, letting them put their hands on, and getting feedback from them. OK, so it won't be a surprise, but it will be more useful for them.

It's a bit pricey, but I recommend throwing in a JetBoil for a stove, if you walk them through using it first. Dead easy to use and they might find themselves using it in non-emergency situations too.
Posted by: Paul810

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 10/02/08 12:51 AM

Originally Posted By: ironraven
He's not totally out of it, he just doesn't EDC much. The thinest wallet in the family, and his keys.

In that case, I'd get him a small folding knife for his keys as well. Either a sak or a small locking blade (like a Benchmade Benchmite or simple lockback). Maybe a little ferrocium rod and squeeze-light too. Better than nothing. wink
Posted by: DavidEnoch

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 10/02/08 02:48 PM

Add a couple cans of Fix-A-Flat. That is something simple that has got me out of changing flats on the side of the road many times. It's a big job for older people to change a tire. Many do not have the strength to do it. Not being stranded is the best way to be safe.

Also, I have added a safety vest to each of my vehicles. If I have to change a tire, or walk out, it will help me to be seen.

David Enoch
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 10/02/08 09:27 PM

That isn't a horrible idea. A small SAK or multi.
Posted by: Pansy

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 10/02/08 09:42 PM

I added a Vic Mini Champ to my keyring. It's okay for survival(relative to its size) but excels for everyday tasks. I especially like the pen, it seems that gets more use than anything else. The whole thing is not much thicker than the 'classic' model with the same outline.
Posted by: yeti

Re: Proposed kit list, am I missing anything? - 10/09/08 11:33 PM

I prefer the Terralux inserts for mini-mags over the Nite Ize. They cost a lot more, but you get better light.