A chink in your armor

Posted by: Rodion

A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 02:35 PM

I see lots of talk regarding self-defense in preparedness circles. You've got people talking about guns, defensive EDC, psychology of "fighting dirty" in a survival situation, et cetera. One common theme is that the opponent is always assumed to be male.

Now, I'm guilty as much as the next guy and probably quite a bit more. When you're shadow boxing, you're unlikely to see your potential opponent as a 5'2" 90 lbs waitress. Besides the physiological disadvantages, women are usually seen as more of a benevolent and responsible force in male conflicts.

But wait: under normal conditions, doesn't that apply to everyone? We're all nice and cuddly with food on our plates and water in our sink, no? So if you're assuming you might need to physically defend yourself from a crazed bank director, shouldn't you also account for the possibility his wife will come into the picture at some point?

This is where things get... weird. There is a good reason guys aren't fond of attacking potential mates. Hulk no smash Betty, Hulk love Betty! It's hard to hit a woman and it damn well better be. I feel all dirty just by typing it. Yet, as with other aspects of preparedness, some psychological barriers need to be overcome.

So, how much of a threat can a woman be, really? My guess, quite a bit. Think of her as a 100 pounds of bone, muscle, teeth and nails (and they're bigger than yours). While you're fussing to be a gentleman about it, she's gauging out your eyes and tearing your balls off. Seriously, I know some extra nice ones. They acknowledge they'll be destroyed in a fist-fight, so they've got rapid suppression plans all drawn up in advance. o_0

Now that we've established women as a bigger threat than wild dogs and looters combined, what do we do about it? To be honest, I have no idea how to "fight dirty" against a woman. I've never hurt a gal in my life, nor do I intend to. I could ask about weak points, but I'm afraid they'll think all this talk about female self-defense is coming from an aspiring rapist. Hell, you should have thought that yourself two paragraph ago! I'll just have to try not to get on any female survivor's bad side...

P.S. Well, there was that one time I squeezed some-body's hand a little too hard. If push comes to shove, I guess we can always try and cheat our way to life and victory: before the two of us abandon our last remnants of humanity and go for each other's throats over that last piece of ham, why not wish each other luck with a sporty hand-shake?
Posted by: Angel

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 02:58 PM

Speaking as a woman , there are only about 2 types of women that a person really doesn't want to trifle with. A mother protecting her kids and a woman with PMS and a gun. These are Run Away situations, the latter being a beg for your life as you run away situation.
Posted by: Nicodemus

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 03:59 PM

When I took Kung-Fu, it wasn't at all rare to spar women in class. Any reservations I had about fighting a woman that was out to do me harm was beaten out of me in that class.

I'm not condoning hitting women, and I'm not trying to be shocking or a jerk, but if someone is out to do me harm they will be stopped if I can manage it.

All of the same critical strike points apply to a woman except for perhaps the crotch shot and I wouldn't rely on a crotch shot with a man either.

The only time I would consider "fighting dirty" to mean anything at all is in sanctioned fighting events where there are clear rules as to what is acceptable. The term means nothing in a survival situation.

Posted by: Nishnabotna

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 04:55 PM

I've always been around strong women, so I don't really have a hang-up about them.
Posted by: Lono

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 06:54 PM

Having been the voluntary attacker (well-padded) in women's self-defense classes, I'll say: instep, knee, heel of hand to the nose. Each work well against male or female. Run from any women with a knife though...
Posted by: clarktx

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 07:10 PM

Honestly, I don't really think this would be a chink in the armor.

If the SHTF and you are in true survival mode, you will see everyone as being "resource hungry" and after your resources.

It is instinctive to become xenophobic when resources are scarce. For those who don't have that instinct, be it man or woman, well they just be part of Darwin's theory...

Honestly, Rodion, I think your instinct would kick in.
Posted by: CJK

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 08:27 PM

I too learned in martial arts training that there is a difference in 'hitting a lady' vs 'hitting a female'. This 5 foot nothing black belt told me to hit her. Being young and taught not to hit a lady...I told her as much. She again said to hit her....I repeated what I said. We were about 8 inches from each other....the next thing I know....I'm laying on my back looking face up at her. (Cresent Kick to the side of my head.....that I NEVER SAW.) I got up....she said hit me.....

I did.

You will learn too.
Posted by: epirider

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 08:47 PM

I got news for everyone out there... My precious wife, standing at 5' 4" won the most outstanding female law enforcement officer in the USAF. She did this by not only being trained by the Air Force, but cross training with the Green Beret. She first gained their respect by qualifying expert with not only a 9mm but with AR-15 and the 60 cal. My wife is a very viable threat to any and all comers that are infringing on the welfare of the family. As far as hitting a woman, I do not condone it, but in my wife's words "If she hits (attacks) like a man - then you should hit her like a man." Ya - in this day and age, anyone and I do mean ANYONE over the age of 12 can and should be considered capable of inflicting harm. That does not mean that they will, but they certainly have the potential.
Posted by: ironraven

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 10:03 PM

Lets see...

My grandmother shot competitively in college (that's how she met my grandfather), and considered M-80s good clean fun.

My mother taught me how to throw knives.

My sister comes up to my shoulder and when we spar she throws me around like a rag doll. And I'm neither (a) going soft nor (b) untrained.

I do NOT, repeat, NOT discount women as being dangerous, scary and just plain able to kick my butt.

And when my DGF is made at me, she makes tofu, and gives me The Look until I eat it. She's mean.


I forgot to mention a female friend who is a Gaurdsman. She's a trunk monkey, and she thinks AT-4s and Claymores are "cute". *shudders*

The worst danger is if you hurt them, I would be very, very annoyed with your existence in my space-time continuum.
Posted by: sodak

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 10:06 PM

I make no distinctions between men and women for defense. I have no hangups hitting or shooting either.
Posted by: Rodion

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/18/08 10:15 PM

I know what the martial artists here mean regarding sparring with women. However, it's one thing to "hit her" or "arm-bar her" and another to "tear her bloody jaw off its hinges".

Originally Posted By: clarktx
Honestly, I don't really think this would be a chink in the armor.

If the SHTF and you are in true survival mode, you will see everyone as being "resource hungry" and after your resources.

I'm fairly sure the whole point of this forum is to do our best not to let that happen.

It is instinctive to become xenophobic when resources are scarce. For those who don't have that instinct, be it man or woman, well they just be part of Darwin's theory...

Honestly, Rodion, I think your instinct would kick in.

My instinct is to serve and protect. I'm so screwed. frown
Posted by: BillLiptak

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 12:36 AM

Having grown up with tomboys as a kid, and spending my teenage and young adult years with punks and metal-heads I know EXACTLY how dangerous a woman can be. Also bouncing as a side job for 10 years or so has reinforced my healthy respect for the fairer sex. The worst ladies to deal with when bouncing were the drunk lesbians....they ALWAYS wanted to fight, and ya can't hit one without all of em wanting to jump in...
Seems when they get drunk they get that chip on their shoulder that no MAN is gonna tell them what to do, that they aren't afraid to fight, etc...

-Bill Liptak
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 01:46 AM

60 cal???
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 01:48 AM

Any cop will tell you that two things can make you look stupid or hurt you faster than any others: dogs and women. So if push comes to shove, shove hard and fast, be it man or women. And shoot the dog...
Posted by: Raspy

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 05:09 AM

Any guy that has been witness to an all out cat fight quickly learns what no hold barred really means.

Truly vicious.

I do not deceive myself.

The reason men are generally referred to as the ones you need to defend yourself against is men tend to be the aggressor. And more apt to have a shorter fuse. It takes more to get a women going but once they tart look out.
Posted by: Ranter

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 08:51 AM

Originally Posted By: epirider
My wife is a very viable threat to any and all comers that are infringing on the welfare of the family.
Heck Epi, she's a pussycat! grin LOL If she or my darling rock star did decide to go violent just live by my maxim; "I can run faster scared than you can mad!" blush
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 12:36 PM

"...once they tart look out..."

So true!!! laugh laugh laugh
Posted by: benjammin

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 12:48 PM

In physical confrontations, there is no comparison between men and women. On the average, I would find it much easier to fend off an attack from a woman than a man.
Posted by: CityBoyGoneCountry

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 01:10 PM

Didn't you guys see Kill Bill? Women are crazy!
Posted by: epirider

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 03:48 PM

At a stationary gate post in Kuwait during desert storm. I also think there was one mounted on the humvie for perimeter patrol. An I may have misstated that she was expert, she was qualified on it. Sorry.
Posted by: epirider

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 03:55 PM

Words to "live" by. No question in my mind about women being a viable threat. As a former Sheriff's Deputy, it is amazing how violent and difficult a woman can become in situations. Generally they are not as physically strong as men (only a generality ladies) but when push come to shove, men tend to escalate up the continuem ladder where women can go from 0 to 60 in .00001 seconds. There is a reason you should respect momma bears!
Posted by: epirider

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 04:05 PM

I really should check to see I am responding to... Ya I would have to agree if your rock star and my little darling ever got *upset* with us, I do beleive we would have to use our bob's for real and find a nice quiet out of the way country to relocate to laugh
Posted by: epirider

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 04:16 PM

Yes it was an M60. Sorry was trying to get a point across not get into weapons.
Posted by: TheSock

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 05:52 PM

'never raise your hand to a woman - it leaves your groin exposed' Old Irish Saying
The Sock
Posted by: clarktx

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/19/08 11:53 PM

Originally Posted By: Ranter
"I can run faster scared than you can mad!"

One of my favorite quotes.. from the out of print book, "the long ships" by Frans Gunnar Bengtsson...

"He was running for his life, but, I was running for it too, and I guess I wanted it more than he did."

I can't remember the exact words, but its something like that laugh

he he he
Posted by: Ranter

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/20/08 05:14 AM

Daddy was a Vietnam era drill Sgt. I heard a lot of good funny quotes about combat. My 2 favs, "Don't threaten a man unless you know he knows you can kick his ***" and "Don't go into a fight armed with anything that won't comfortably fit in your ***" LOL crazy
Posted by: Rodion

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/21/08 07:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Ranter
"Don't go into a fight armed with anything that won't comfortably fit in your ***"

Oh my. I might have to rethink my EDC. shocked
Posted by: Susan

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/22/08 02:34 AM

If someone is trying to kill you, does it matter if they are male or female? Isn't it just a matter of conditioning?

As far as I'm concerned, they would just be The Enemy.

Posted by: epirider

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/22/08 02:43 AM

I am not trying to be sexist and feel free to tell me that I am, but most men have been raised with the premise that you dont hit a woman. It took a few ugly lessons as a deputy to learn or unlearn what kind of dangers women can bestow. Even now, lessons learned and all, for a split second, I hesitate. Could be the death of me, but that is what is deep in my core. Facing a man, there is not so much as a nanosecond of hesitation if the situations were all equal. Guess it is all that western gentleman upbringin'
Posted by: benjammin

Re: A chink in your armor - 08/22/08 11:31 AM

Originally Posted By: Susan
If someone is trying to kill you, does it matter if they are male or female? Isn't it just a matter of conditioning?

As far as I'm concerned, they would just be The Enemy.

