Contact cards for kids

Posted by: Angel

Contact cards for kids - 08/17/08 08:10 PM

I decided it was time to update my grandkids contact cards and ran across this site with printable cards so I thought I'd pass it on.
I think I'm going to get a small pencil box to keep it in along with a prepaid trac phone to only be used in an emergency. I may even include some fruit rollups. My grand daughter will be going to a different school this year so I'll be going with her the first day to find out what their evacuation plans are and to make sure they know who to call in case of emergency. I don't like leaving anything to chance. Any other suggestions?
Posted by: Rodion

Re: Contact cards for kids - 08/17/08 08:41 PM

Aside from giving out whistles to everyone?

Get to know your granddaughter's class mates, they'll have more knowledge of her current whereabouts than the teachers. Correction: they'll have knowledge of her current whereabouts.
Posted by: Angel

Re: Contact cards for kids - 08/17/08 09:26 PM

I know all my grandkids classmates and their parents and most of their grandparents. We live in a small town and we are all very protective of our kids. The only emergency I can forsee would be fire or tornado. Our schools stay in lockdown mode so nobody can enter the school without going through the office and getting a pass. The parents and grandparents usually get together on the first day of school and swap contact info.