Landmark Education Concerns

Posted by: camerono

Landmark Education Concerns - 07/22/08 03:26 AM

Any one know anything about this. My friend (really) just got involved and I have read some not so nice things on the net about them.

Any first or secod hand experience you can share?


Posted by: Raspy

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/22/08 03:50 AM

No link. No info. What are you talking about?
Posted by: Glocker36

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/22/08 09:08 AM

Sounds like these guys, the first link is to their website, and the 2nd is to a website calling them a cult.

Never heard of them myself, so no opinions just the above links.
Posted by: clarktx

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/22/08 12:24 PM

hm. you might want to edit out the link to the main group, if there is any truth in the second link. As you probably know, google ranks popularity by looking at "which sites link to who", amd simply linking to a group like this adds to its google credibility.

I understand that this is an honest appeal, but I also have nothing to add about it, except for the concept that where there is smoke, there is usually something smoldering.
Posted by: Nishnabotna

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/22/08 04:24 PM

Anything with the barest hinted-at connection to Dianetics should be buried.
Posted by: red

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/22/08 10:27 PM

And just how does Landmark teach you survival?

I've attended one of their courses and it was good. I didn't see any cultish stuff there.

Of course, many folks call my religion a cult. So I guess it depends on your definition of a cult.

(brushing the hair back over my horns)
Posted by: Art_in_FL

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/23/08 04:10 AM

Looks like another love-bombing cult that pushes one of the many flavors of radical optimism. The Secret is a milder version of belief that says that positive attention, intention and consciousness changes reality. The hidden catch is that if things aren't going your way it is your attitude or awareness that is the problem.

Optimism and positive attitude can change your perception and attitude and allow you to sometimes see and use opportunities you would miss other and this is good. But objectively it doesn't actually change reality. Rule one is that reality does not care. There are times and situations where all the optimism in the world won't help. It can prevent a realistic view of people, yourself and the world around you. Taken too far a positive attitude can be a drug. A very dangerous drug.
Posted by: red

Re: Landmark Education Concerns - 07/25/08 09:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL
Looks like another love-bombing cult that pushes one of the many flavors of radical optimism.

Optimism and positive attitude can change your perception and attitude and allow you to sometimes see and use opportunities you would miss other and this is good. But objectively it doesn't actually change reality. Rule one is that reality does not care. There are times and situations where all the optimism in the world won't help. It can prevent a realistic view of people, yourself and the world around you. Taken too far a positive attitude can be a drug. A very dangerous drug.

That's ironic. The one Landmark seminar I attended taught exactly what you espouse...reality does not care. It was not a love-fest or hyper-optimism crap. If anything, it was a downer for many. Landmark (as far as I could tell) teaches you to honor your word. Sounds easy? Start making lots of promises and see just how many you end up breaking.

And no, I have no interest in defending or continuing Landmark, but it is most certainly NOT a "think positive to change the world" thing. It's more like a "life hands you crap and you've got to make something good out of the crap."