JIM's new FAK

Posted by: JIM

JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 06:25 PM

Here's my new FAK-backpack. It's ment as a Bug-out FAK for a family of 4 people. No relevant medical history (fortunately) and no RX-meds.

Comments or suggestions are welcome:

The bag is made by a Dutch company. As you will soon see, it's has a very nice setup with zipped compartments, elastic loops and removable internal pouches.

Multiple carrying options such as 2 handles, a single shoulder strap and 2 backpack straps.

A front pouch holds a note-book and pen:

Now for the real stuff. There are 2 compartments. The small one is first:

This is the 'small stuff' section of the FAK.

Left side has 4 zipped compartments:

- assortiment of adhesive bandages
- small mirror
- tweezers
- safety-razor
- 5 ampoules of Hibicet
- 15 Compeed blister patches
- 2x3 and 2x2 gauze pads, 10 each
- Vaseline-dressings
- Water-jel dressing
- 2 Quick-dressings no.2

The right-side of the small compartment, which has lots of elastic hooks:

- 50ml irrigation-syringe
- 2 rolls of athletics-tape
- smaller roll of tape
- pair of bandage-scissors
- penlight
- digital thermometer'
- small roll of orange duct-tape
- ziplock with 6 pairs of nitrile gloves
- 3 elastic bandages 10cm.
- 6 elastic bandages 6cm
- 1 elastic bandage 8cm
- 2 cohesive bandages 8 and 6cm.
- Water-jel bottle 60ml.
- Bottle of desinfectant gel
- packet of desinfectant wipes
- lightstick

Allright, the main compartment:

The left-side again has 4 zipped compartments. There contents:

- Pocket-mask
- spare 8cm cohesive bandage
- vomit-baggie
- space-blanket
- tampons
- Sawyer extractor and tick-tweezers
- First-aid booklet
- EMT-sheers
- BIC-lighter
- Spare batteries for penlight

The right-side of the main compartment has 2 removable pouches, 1 medication pouch and a ziplock filled with about 100 4x4 gauze pads.

Red pouch:

- 4 large rolls of Kerlix
- 2 ETD's (Israeli-bandages)
- 6 ABD-pads

The Blue-pouch:

- 10 4x4 gauze pads with aluminium layer
- 2 instant cold-packs
- 1 elastic-bandage
- 2 triangulair bandages
- 2 Cohesive ACE-bandages 8cm
- 2 Cohesive ACE-bandages 6cm
- 1 SAM-splint

The medication-pouch:

- Blister-lancets
- Click-away itch-relief
- Emergency dental-filling
- cotton-pellets
- scalpel-handle
- super-glue
- dental-tools
- HemoCut (hemostat, scissors)
- triple antibiotic-ointment
- tegaderm IV-dressings
- injection-needle, syringe and saline incase someone has injectible meds on him
- Activated charcoal
- Voltaren-gel (Diclofenac)
- 18g. IV-Needle
- Dextro-energy
- Oil of Cloves
- alcohol prep-pads
- Steri-strips
- Betadine ointment
- Calendula burn/rash-ointment
- Cough-sweets
- Suture
- Scalpel-blade
- Butterfly-sutures
- IV-constricting-band
- Pill-pack, containing:

- Acethaminophen
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Immodium
- Cetrizine (Anti-histamine)
- Cinnarizine (Motion-sickness)
- O.R.S.
- Water-purification tablets
- Rennie (Antacid)

Posted by: Jeanette_Isabelle

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 06:35 PM

That is a nice kit. Where did you get it?

Jeanette Isabelle
Posted by: MDinana

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 07:08 PM

that is a nice bag layout. I likey.
Posted by: Pansy

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 07:47 PM

Jim, may I ask what the signifigance is of the aluminum layer on the 4x4 gauze pads? I have never seen that before. Also do you prefer the cohesive Ace Bandages to the ones with clips. Thanks...
Posted by: climberslacker

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 08:08 PM

IIRC it is to put on a water gel bandage to stop absorbtion? I may be wrong tho
Posted by: JIM

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 09:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Drake
Jim, may I ask what the signifigance is of the aluminum layer on the 4x4 gauze pads? I have never seen that before. Also do you prefer the cohesive Ace Bandages to the ones with clips. Thanks...

Dressings with an aluminium layer have the advantage that they don't stick to wounds and also has a anti-bacterial function. Therefor they are prefered for burns, abrasions and road-rashes. And, as climberslacker said, they prevent applied burn-jels from vapourising.

These dressings are commonly named Aluderm or Metalline and can be found at your local pharmacy.

I do prefer the cohesive ACE-bandages (Coban) to the regulair ones because they just stay on a lot better. Downside is that they are more expensive and bulkier.

Lastly, the bag is made and sold in The Netherlands only. It's made by a company called Medicall Life Support , but since it's Dutch, you'll probably won't be able to get it over there in the US.

Posted by: climberslacker

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 09:35 PM

In case your wondering how I learned what they were for was cause I just read IFAK essentials!! AMAZING!!!!
Posted by: OldBaldGuy

Re: JIM's new FAK - 05/31/08 11:35 PM

I would use it for a sucking chest wound, kinda like vasoline gauze.

One thing about this kit, and climberslackers, be on the lookout for those elastic loops loosing their elasticity over time. The nore heat they are exposed to, the faster they go south on you...
Posted by: climberslacker

Re: JIM's new FAK - 06/01/08 01:00 AM

Thanks! Thats a good thing to remember!
Posted by: DFW

Re: JIM's new FAK - 06/02/08 02:45 PM

This is the nicest one I've seen so far - comprehensive but without stuff that is beyond the ability of the average person to use.

I'm on my third bag for FAK. Mine keeps getting bigger and bigger. Rolled bandages take up a lot of room. If the company where you got the bag sells to the US, please post the link.

By the way: my Red Cross First Aid coach said she always carries a small zip lock bag in the door pocket of her car with just a pair of gloves, a clean white cotton washcloth to stop bleeding (the kind you get in packs of 12 or 18 at Wal-Mart) and a CPR microshield. She has had several occasions to use her "kit," and says if you come upon an accident where the ambulance can be expected within a few minutes, that's all you need - unlike these larger kits, which are meant for something else.