Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife?

Posted by: Taurus

Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/29/07 11:21 PM

I have different knives for different jobs just like all of you, however there is one knife that never leaves my side, my trusty folder. Be it making fuzz sticks,cutting heavy strapping and rope or simply peeling potatoes while camping this is my most used knife either at work or play. I currently carry a cold steel Recon 1 with a spear point blade. This knife has served me well in every aspect as well as being at my side on two overseas deployments. I hate to replace something I have become so attached to. Problem is, Just like a favorite pair of broken in boots, the old girl is starting to wear out. The screws are stripped from repeated tightening(one actually broke and is missing) and the locking mechanism is getting loose due to repeated use jammed full of sand(from abrasion) while overseas. I have decided not to buy another Recon 1 because of the modifications I had to undertake to get the performance I wanted. For my particular use, I need a knife which has:
a. A strong rounded point
b. A strong lock
c. One handed opening
d. A plain edge (I hate serrated blades!!!)
e. At least 3-4mm blade thickness, and no more than 4 inches in blade length.
f. A handle constructed of materials that will not dissolve when in contact with fuels etc
g. A large lanyard hole

I would also prefer a reduced glare blade, which is resistant to corrosion but not covered in stuff that scratches off with use.
I tend to put my knives through considerable abuse as you can tell.(see picture)
I have only been involved in these forums a short time, But there is vast pool of knowledge to draw from here. As always, all comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. I would like to hear some suggestions on what you guys are using out there.

PS: I have been looking hard at the Cold steel Ultimate hunter and the Doug Ritter knives here on this site. Does any one have any knowledge on these??


Posted by: ironraven

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:46 AM


"Ultimate", "best", "if you could have only one", it's all the same basic question. Asking that question about knives is like asking it about guns, or cars, or wives, or religions. Bad question that always leads to screaming, yelling, wally wagging, the breaking of perfectly good pool cues and so forth and so on.

You pick the one that is right for you. You show it off. But never asking someone why they picked theirs.
Posted by: tacticalight

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 03:28 AM

Have you looked at ? There is an overload of info on knives for all purposes there and quite a few people selling in the "knives for sale" section that haven't even really used em (i.e. occasional great discounts on basically new stuff). In between them, this forum and its a miracle i get any work done at all...

In researching the ritter grip, one of the big points that kept coming up was the strength and popularity of the AXIS lock mechanism. It is supposedly quite well thought out. I was torn between the S30V ritter grip and the standard $65 154cm steel grip which is also supposed to be a fantastic overall knife. To be honest, I probably would have just purchased the standard, hollow ground 154cm grip if i hadn't just sold one of my spydercos ($40 extra bucks burning a hole in my pocket + rave reviews of the ritter = another order for aeromedix and an empty discretionary spending fund for alex blush)

good luck!
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:11 AM

I am not interested in starting an argument with anyone. If people cannot carry on a civil conversation on why they choose one knife over the other without screaming, yelling, Wally wagging, or breaking pool cues then that says a little bit about their character.(or lack of it) I am a big boy, and at the end the day I will make up my own mind on what I will spend my money on, But It is nice to hear other peoples opinion on the subject, If I didn’t want to hear what people have to say then it wouldn’t be much point to join a forum now would it?
Plain and simple, if you don't like the questions that I ask, then don’t reply to them. I will extend you the same courtesy.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:18 AM

I don't think that IronRaven's post was meant to be interpreted in such a manner as you did. I read it a few times and in my view, he did not point his words at anyone in particular and you should not take it as such....
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:29 AM

Don't mind Raven...For every question he has 3 answers...and even when people don't ask he has 2. wink

I bought my first Kershaw knife earlier this year and so far I've been super impressed. The Cyclone is a Ken Onion design and while it's a bit heavy it's way way sturdier than what I'm used to with my previous Gerber folders. Lets see if I can run down your criteria with it:

a. The tip isn't beefy but it's respectable. The curve of the blade is fairly sweeping
b. Just a liner lock...but it's beefy too.
c. Assisted thumb or index finger opening. Don't know why I went so many years 'flicking' knives when stuff like this existed. With this knife you can turn it off if you don't like having a spring loaded blade in your pants.
d. plain edge made from Sandvik stainless.
e. 2mm thick. 4mm seems like a lot for a folding least by my standards.
f. Anodized Aluminum scales.
g. Big enough for #550...what more do you need? It also has a pocket clip which is reversible for lefties like me.

This is where Raven gets to smile from the shadows. This knife is perfect...for me...and for what I need a folding pocket knife to do. Do I carry other knives for other situations...damn right I do. Do I think they're perfect? Yes...for me...and what I need them to do.

My advice is get out there and handle as many as possible. There aren't a ton of good knife shops in the Edmonton area but if you make the rounds you'll be able to get your hands on quite a few. Even the knife kiosk at Kingsway Garden Mall has some good knives...even if their prices are horrible.
Posted by: JCWohlschlag

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:32 AM

As far as the Ritter RSK Mk1 goes, it is definitely a worth-while knife to look at for your purposes. There may be a knife that you personally like better, but just make sure that your alternative is designed to be an every-day, all-purpose knife like the RSK Mk1 is. Versatility and dependability are the main attributes of any all-purpose knife.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:50 AM

It’s hard to tell what people really mean sometimes, especially on a post. If I misinterpreted what was said and offence was taken (by anyone) then I apologize. I am new to this forum, but I have already noticed the different personalities from the regulars. I will learn how to take each person in time. We all get a knot in our faces sometimes........
Posted by: redflare

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:50 AM

How about Spydercos?

Endura, Native and Military (green foliage pictured) models might fit your bill.

Posted by: Paul810

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 10:23 AM

I know the perfect knife for you.

Benchmade 520 Presidio

Built like a tank. smile

Posted by: JustinC

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 11:00 AM

Although it does not have the rounded tip that you desire, the Emerson CQC-7 is, in my opinion, the "end-all, be-all", last word in folding knives. I've carried mine on four continents, through two combat deployments, in piled snow and blowing sand, salt-water swims and high mountain climbs, across coastal mudflats and through triple-canopy jungle.

It keeps an edge, the handle is tough as woodpecker lips, and the lock is as close to infallible as you'll find in any mechanical device. The wave feature makes fast, safe one-handed opening a snap. And it is aesthetically pleasing.

I carry the half-serrated model but it does come in a non-serrated model. I use the non-serrated part for everyday tasks and save the serrated part for emergencies.

Posted by: Bear_Claw_Chris_Lapp

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 11:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier
For my particular use, I need a knife which has:
a. A strong rounded point
b. A strong lock
c. One handed opening
d. A plain edge (I hate serrated blades!!!)
e. At least 3-4mm blade thickness, and no more than 4 inches in blade length.
f. A handle constructed of materials that will not dissolve when in contact with fuels etc
g. A large lanyard hole

I would also prefer a reduced glare blade, which is resistant to corrosion but not covered in stuff that scratches off with use.

There are many out there that might fit this description and are good knives, but your list to me really does describe the Ritter RSK-1 Griptilian.

Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 01:31 PM

Are you really a soldier? Need to thicken your skin. We are only offended when we choose to take offense.

As for knives, the RSK Mk1 is a great folder. Strong lock, excellent steel and blade profile. The CS Ultimate Hunter is not the ultimate, but it looks like a good serviceable knife.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:01 PM

You know something RAS? you are absolutely correct with that statement, although I was far less offended than I may have appeared. I stand corrected.(nice burn by the way, ouch!!)
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:12 PM

Ka-Bar makes a couple fine folders. The Mule is a large solid folder that is pretty durable and functional. The Dozer is not as big but still quite ergonomic and useful. I have the Mule and for the money (less than $50) it is a great deal for a reliable folding knife.

Depending on perspective, the ultimate knife is either the one I have on hand at the time I really need a knife, or else it is the one I always wish I had with me but never seem to. Funny paradox that.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:19 PM

I am actually looking fairly hard at the Ka-Bar folders. I have carried a mini ka-bar on my TAC while in Afghanistan. I couldn't break this knife, even if I tried.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:35 PM

You'd be hard pressed to break the Mule I think as well. I've misused mine deliberately, throwing it, prying with it, batoning it through wood. The blade is AUS-8, so it isn't super tough, but it seems to be holding up fairly well. Keeping the edge in shape is not a problem, I've only had to touch up the tip a little so far. The grip is really substantial and the lock and joint are VERY strong imho.

I got one because it was popular amongst the seargents on patrol in Baghdad and got good reviews there when I was there. It was a good accompaniment to their primary fixed blade(s) and their Multi-Tools.
Posted by: Glock-A-Roo

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Bear_Claw_Chris_Lapp
Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier
For my particular use, I need a knife which has:
a. A strong rounded point
b. A strong lock
c. One handed opening
d. A plain edge (I hate serrated blades!!!)
e. At least 3-4mm blade thickness, and no more than 4 inches in blade length.
f. A handle constructed of materials that will not dissolve when in contact with fuels etc
g. A large lanyard hole

There are many out there that might fit this description and are good knives, but your list to me really does describe the Ritter RSK-1 Griptilian.

Concur. My personal circumstances dictated a folder, and the Ritter RSK1 fit the bill entirely. If you are going to make the compromise of utilizing a folder, I don't think you can beat the Axis lock. Doug's blade design really is well optimized for survival and general utility. Seems to fit every point in your criteria list.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 02:40 PM

The Mule is an excellent choice for a knife to keep with your military kit. Buy the RSK for off-duty smile
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 03:08 PM

I am guilty of using my knife as a pry bar quite often(especially to open wooden ammo boxes) The mule appears to have a nice thick blade for this. I would have the nice black coating scratched off the blade in about 5 minutes flat though. As long as the blade is sound, I guess I really don't care about looks anyway. I have just been sizing up the cold steel AK-47 knife as well. I like the idea of the pommel built into the back of the handle for emergency use in smashing a car window following an accident or such. I rarely see a folder with this option, and have honestly never played with one. Anyone out there have one of these ????
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 03:16 PM

If it weren't for the serrated blade I'd suggest the gerber was designed to pry without breaking or bending.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 03:59 PM

The CS AK-47's hollow ground AUS-8 blade probably won't be as tough as you would want to have. That knife with a flat grind might be very good, but HG makes the edge too thin IMO. $.02 Being new it has no track record yet.
Posted by: tacticalight

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:21 PM

Originally Posted By: redflare
How about Spydercos?

Endura, Native and Military (green foliage pictured) models might fit your bill.

skip the native (no stainless steel liners). I think the military and endura do have them though. Spyderco makes good stuff.

Posted by: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:21 PM

Hi Canadian_Soldier

You might want to have a look at the Kershaw Mini Cyclone Titanium ZDP189

Available at
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 04:54 PM

On the topic of spyderco knives, they have so far not treated me well. Not long ago I snapped the blade of one clean in two pieces using it to help a friend gut a deer. It was a endura 4 given to me as a gift. I was dumbfounded when it happened, because I actually wasn't pressing very hard at the time. I am convinced that it was one of those fluke occurances(sub standard steel, built on Friday??) I am not saying that all spyders are like this, but mine was. I am actually trying to find out if I have grounds to return it for replacement under some sort of warranty but as it was a gift it may be hard to do.

I will put up a pic later after work of the broken knife.
Posted by: SwampDonkey

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:05 PM

Hi Canadian Soldier,

I would returning a product that I thought was defective even if it was given to me as a gift. Spyderco is a large company, I am confident they would repair/replace it. I have found that a nicely worded, truthful letter accompaning the damaged product often recieves positive service.

Good Luck,

Posted by: norad45

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:08 PM

It wouldn't hurt to contact Spyderco about your broken knife. It sounds like something they would stand behind, gift or not.

As far as your original question goes, I've got to echo the recommendations you have received for the RSK Mk1. A great blade that's worth well more than it's priced at.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:11 PM

Most companies with a lifetime warranty don't ask for the receipt...or maybe I've just been lucky.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:21 PM

I hope it works, Because for once I actually wasn't abusing my knife. I've got some knives that I almost try and break just so I can convince the wife that I needs a new one. my recon 1 is wearing out for sure, but short of smashing it with a hammer it just wont break. This wasn't the case with the Spyderco. If they will send me a new one, I will let you know. I will never carry another Spyderco though, I don't want to chance a knife snapping like this again when in an emergency.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:44 PM

I like that site! That Titanium Cyclone is slick but after seeing the price I like mine better as it was less than 1/2 the price.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 05:50 PM

Check out as a consideration for us Canadian folks. Prices are decent and they ship really fast. No customs taxes either.
Posted by: raydarkhorse

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 06:55 PM

I have read most of the posts in this thread, and everyone has an opinion about the one they have and use regularly and for them that is the best/ultimate knife till a better one comes along. I write this not trying to insult any one about their personal choice, but I know for a fact there is an ultimate folding knife. It is the one that I can use without breaking it when I need it. If in an emergency it works and does what you need it to do, it is the ultimate knife. That being said I make sure that the knives I have and that will be in my hands are of good or better quality. If you stick with a quality knife that fits your hand and feels good, at least till you find the next one it is the ultimate knife (for you).
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 07:28 PM

Well spoken my friend.
I think I may have screwed up a little when I first posted this. I shouldn't have asked such a broad question. I simply wanted to know what else was out there that I may have overlooked and what people were saying about the knives they were using, good or bad. I find it hard to search most websites for honest info because as we all know, they will all assure you that their product is the best, even if it isn't. The info people have been giving me has been very useful so far.
Posted by: JohnnyUpton

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 08:35 PM

Harsey T2

Posted by: BrianTexas

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 09:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier
Well spoken my friend.
I think I may have screwed up a little when I first posted this. I shouldn't have asked such a broad question. I simply wanted to know what else was out there that I may have overlooked and what people were saying about the knives they were using, good or bad. I find it hard to search most websites for honest info because as we all know, they will all assure you that their product is the best, even if it isn't. The info people have been giving me has been very useful so far.

Don't worry about it! We've all asked a question that elicted less pleasant responses from more experienced forum posters (mine was of the "Would an EMP blast cause LED lights to malfunction?" variety)

I found your question useful because I'm trying to create/stock kits within a very tight budget. Each purchase decision has to be a great one because I don't have a lot of money to waste. (Most of us on the sight are in the same boat). Because I don't have backups and redundancy built in, I look for the best gear at the best price because I only want to purchase 1 knife right now because I also have to purchase 1 flashlight/1 Ritter PSK/1 firestarting set, etc to cover as many situations as I can before getting the back-ups.

Sorry for the long reply. Thanks for the question and thanks for serving Canada in Afghanistan.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 10:04 PM

Nice pic, but why don't you give us a little more input than a name and a jpeg. Drive-by posters. . . wink

Edit: After looking at the Harsey T2 tactical, plain edge web page, the 3.9" S30V blade is nice. It has a locking-liner which may or may not be nice depending on how it works with gloves and when it's wet and slippery, but that's true with any knife. However, I prefer to not have my fingers in the blade arc when I close a knife -- personal preference and that's a requirement to close a locking-liner.
Posted by: MDinana

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 10:12 PM


I have to say, I'm practically in love with Harsey. Is it the T1 or T2 that I like though, cuz I always forget? Their auto knives have the trigger under the scale, so that it's protected from the environments. Good steel, great handles, looks pretty tough. My problem is the price and finding a place that sells them, so I can handle them.

How has it treated you so far?

I usually EDC a Kershaw 1660G10 - it's the Leek model, assisted opening, S30V blade and G10 handles.
It's probably not what you're looking for in a combat environment, but it's great around town. I usually have a SAK classic on my keychain for the other odds and ends I do.
Also have a Hinderer for when I finally for when I start my service time.
Posted by: Doug_Ritter

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 10:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier
I am guilty of using my knife as a pry bar quite often(especially to open wooden ammo boxes)

While I sincerely appreciate the compliments and recommendation by everyone for the RSK Mk1, if you're looking for a folding pry bar, it's not for you. It is certainly robust enough for typical survival tasks, but it is designed to slice, not pry. NO folder is really a reliable pry bar, but if that's what you're looking for, then look at something like a Strider (a real one, not the Buck version). You compromise in other areas, but it will stand up better than most if you're going to abuse a folder like that.

Posted by: Stretch

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 11/30/07 11:53 PM

I don;t know about the ultimate folder, but here's the ULTIMATE solution: buy a folder (your choice) for cutting and a prybar for.....well, prying.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 12:04 AM

Geez, next Doug will be telling us to not use the tip as a screwdriver smirk

Really, the Stanley 7.5" pry bar runs less than $10 at Home Depot.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 12:29 AM


Thanks for the question and thanks for serving Canada in Afghanistan. [/quote]

It is very nice of you to say this. Its funny, but I hear it more from Americans than Canadians. I have worked with, and fought next to some fine American soldiers( airborne sappers, members from 10 Mountain Div, and the 101st Airborne) I am in no rush to go back to that place, but when I do I look forward to chewing sand once again with some of the worlds finest. I have nothing but respect for the US troops.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 01:01 AM

This is what became of my poor Spyderco while dressing a deer. (and NO, I wasn't using my knife to pry the deer open)lol
Posted by: redflare

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 01:29 AM

Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier

This is what became of my poor Spyderco while dressing a deer. (and NO, I wasn't using my knife to pry the deer open)lol

Wow, I have never seen anything like this!

You should definitely talk to Spyderco.
Posted by: tacticalight

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 03:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier

This is what became of my poor Spyderco while dressing a deer. (and NO, I wasn't using my knife to pry the deer open)lol

yikes, yea def talk to spyderco about that.

One idea for your prying needs would be one of these micro widgy bars from I have both sizes and they are great (i keep the smaller one on my keychain and just beat the living hell out of it prying open cases, packages, etc but it doesn't matter because the thing only costs $5) They also have a really beefy thing called the EOD breacher bar and some different sized prybars. Here are pictures:

Breacher Bar $12

Pry Bar set (comes with both) $10

Widgy $5

micro widgy (in top picture and compared to standard widgy in the bottom picture) $5

Its a bit of a pain having yet another thing to carry but they (the widgys) are pretty compact and lightweight and i would much rather wrench on them than use my knife

Posted by: ironraven

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 04:30 AM

Wow, a bit thin.... *tosses over a bottle of witch hazel* Rub this into your skin, just not your face or anything... "sensitive".

It isn't that I don't like the question, it's been done to death. Check the archives- the answers haven't changed much in five years, and always ends up sounding like "my dog is bigger than your dog". Even my posts. The reason I gave those comparisons is because it is a personal selection- the only time I'd knock someone's choice in knife is if was scarily bad junk, a lady if I knew she wasn't what she seemed, or religion if they started showing up wearing a freshly severed gutted chicken as a watchcap and talking about killing everyone.

When someone says "ultimate", on a topic this variable, there is also a certain pattern- they are looking to prove their choice is the ONLY real choice and everyone else is wrong. My blades of choice are a Ka-Bar MkII, a LM Supertool, a couple of SAKs, and a ten dollar folding karambit. Each one has a role, and while I defend them all (except for the karambit- it's just a cardboard cutter and junky utility knife), I wouldn't tell anyone they are the ONLY choice out there. I did make an assumption based on how this has played out in the past, for that I apologize.

And by the way, as you are new, fair warning- I'm given to grand illustration. Chest beating over this, yes, but to the best of my knowledge, no one has broken a pool cue. Maybe a nail from overly energetic typing, or taking the spring out of a key, but that's it.
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 04:39 AM

Get a little pry bar- your knife will thank you. A small one should slip into your gear easily enough.

Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 05:21 AM

I will admit, I am always on the prowl for good kit, but never have I seen something as neat as this in a while!! Bloody hell, I could come up with 100 uses for these things in the run of a single day! Although I honestly have NEVER broken a knife by prying with it(I have pried the wire up on hundreds of ammo crates with my Recon 1, and the only damage was to the finish) This is obviously the best tool for the job. Thanks a bunch, I will be placing an order for a bunch of these ASAP.
Posted by: Taurus

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 05:39 AM

Hey listen.
When I first read you post last night I was already in a mood to chew nails after finding out that my kid had made a few calls on my cell phone, and the wife was grilling me because I bought the wrong type of Dammed Christmas lights. The "p@#sed off-o- meter" was pretty much full as I sat to read.(which is no excuse) Usually when off work I log on and go about my business, checking every so often to see what's new. When I first read your post I totally took it the wrong way I guess. You are right, the question was probably asked a bunch of times in the past but it was one of these burning questions that I just HAD to ask. If I resurrected a dead issue or old topic then it was not my intent. If I jumped to conclusions IRONRAVEN, then I owe you a sincere apology. Truly... Mac
Posted by: ironraven

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 06:01 AM

*shakes your hand*

No biggy- I've been known to vent here becuase I couldn't turn the skull of the person who really deserved it into a bowling ball. smile And I can be a bit... oh, there are so many words, "abrasive" might be the safest.

You should go back and look at some of the heads I've bitten off at knee height.
Posted by: LED

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 06:05 AM

I second the Countycomm prybar recommendation. I've got the mini-prybar "pocket Widgy" and find it very useful and small enough to go everywhere. At $5 USD, its a cheap knife saver.
Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 01:59 PM

Doug nailed the ultimate thing when he mentioned Strider, although Hinderer seems to be cutting into the business of ultimate folders. When you pay that much for a folder so that you don't have to worry about using it as a pry-bar, you start to see the beauty of a cheap inexpensive <$10 tool specifically made for prying, like those from and Home Depot and

The small pry-bar I keep handy is the one I mentioned previously, 7.5", yellow tips and actually says "Stanley" -- perfect for prying tasks; the Pry Bar set looks very similar, just different sizes, same price point though. I went with the Stanley because I have the bigger Wonderbar in my tool box and it's never failed me.

Those Widgy things look fairly useful though and sitting in that sub-$10 range everyone should buy one as they're checking out; the Widgies are flatter than a Stanley bar and should pack into kits much easier. Great tool to augment a knife.
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 02:36 PM

Now here's a thought I forgot about,(NOT that it's the ULTIMATE, of course, that idea I think has been thoroughly suppressed already): The Benchmade RUKUS is on sale at Sportsman's Warehouse for $125. Now this was posted several times elsewhere and I had to go see for myself. It was true and I got one (mama has it now - I won't see it again until Christmas). Excellent price for a folder that cannot be found, internet or otherwise, for under 165.

It's a LARGE folder in S30V, it has the Axis lock, and some very functional G-10 and Micarta scales. As heavy duty as this knife is, what it isn't, of course, is a prybar.

Just a thought....
Posted by: Russ

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 02:45 PM

Is that available online or in-store only?
Posted by: Stretch

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 04:04 PM

WHile they have an internet site, I couldn;t find anyway to search products or purchase anything. ALL the SPortsman's Warehouses across the nation (according to forum members from another forum) are having this sale. Some people have suggested calling the nearest Warehouse, seeing if they have any, and ordering through the mail. Evidently, Ohio has no Warehouses, and the nearest one for forum mebers up there is in PA, or maybe KY. So, guys are calling and ordering.

They're having this clearance sale on many knives - the Rukus (full-size only), BM Grip black plain/serrateds, a few other BM's I can;t think of right now, some Kershaws, SOGs, etc. They're clearing inventory on all knives that weren;t big sellers in-store. The Rukus is a huge seller, but not to customers who go to Sportsmans Warehouses I suppose. Additionally, it's an expensive knife to start out with.

When I went to the one in Las Cruces, NM, they had 3 Rukii - two in satin plain edge and one in black combo edge. I got the satin plain edge. I've played with BM Axis blades and even so I couldn;t get over how smooth that action is. I played with it all the way home, just to have it taken from me as if I were a little kid with a book of matches! (Well, maybe I am) laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 05:24 PM

+1 on the Rukus. It's the biggest beefiest folder I've ever held.

If you want to check one out Soldier, I believe it's the EDC knife of the dude behind Drop Zone Tactical. He'll whip it out for you no problem if you ask...he did for me...he's proud of it.
Posted by: JohnnyUpton

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 07:19 PM

Originally Posted By: RAS
Nice pic, but why don't you give us a little more input than a name and a jpeg. Drive-by posters. . . wink

Edit: After looking at the Harsey T2 tactical, plain edge web page, the 3.9" S30V blade is nice. It has a locking-liner which may or may not be nice depending on how it works with gloves and when it's wet and slippery, but that's true with any knife.

What can I say, I'm a man of few words grin

I’ll use it with leather “rigger” type gloves and I don’t feel that it’s a issue operating the locking liner.

Haven’t had any issues with slippage from wetness. The nylon scales offer enough friction and the molding on the underside to conform to fingers offers additional grip when wet. Its served me well dressing game.

Originally Posted By: RAS
However, I prefer to not have my fingers in the blade arc when I close a knife -- personal preference and that's a requirement to close a locking-liner.

I theory I can see you point but If you’re closing it 2 handed you’ve got control of the blade with you off hand and for one handed closing you just need to move the blade just < 180 deg. Its probably not as safe as an Axis lock, but I don’t see it as much of a risk.

Originally Posted By: MDinana

I have to say, I'm practically in love with Harsey. Is it the T1 or T2 that I like though, cuz I always forget? Their auto knives have the trigger under the scale, so that it's protected from the environments. Good steel, great handles, looks pretty tough. My problem is the price and finding a place that sells them, so I can handle them.

How has it treated you so far?

MD – I have the T2 Ranger and I really like the knife. Its not an automatic and I really don’t have much experience with those models.

Its stout enough to chop wood, I kinda chickened out using it to break the pelvis of a deer. I’ve broken a 110 doing that and I was kinda cringing at the thought of doing the same with this knife but I had an saw to cut through the bone. (Although I think Lone Wolf will repair or replace the damaged knife)

The T1 is a little smaller than the T2 (about ½” IIRC)
Posted by: cynik

Re: Is there an ULTIMATE folding knife? - 12/01/07 08:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Canadian_Soldier
For my particular use, I need a knife which has:
a. A strong rounded point
b. A strong lock
c. One handed opening
d. A plain edge (I hate serrated blades!!!)
e. At least 3-4mm blade thickness, and no more than 4 inches in blade length.
f. A handle constructed of materials that will not dissolve when in contact with fuels etc
g. A large lanyard hole

I would also prefer a reduced glare blade, which is resistant to corrosion but not covered in stuff that scratches off with use

This might fit your desires:
The Junk Yard Dog 2 knife model 1725 from Kershaw. This unique knife features a heavy duty textured stainless steel body with removable pocket clip. The 3 3/4" plain edge blade is a Sandvik 13C26 stainless steel that is razor sharp. This knife also has a very smooth index (not spring assisted) opening feature, a "flipper", for easy ambidextrous opening. The pattern of the durable G-10 handle is meant to resemble aircraft paneling. This knife is 100% made in the U.S.A. Overall Length: 8 9/16". IMHO it's worth your time to check it out. You won't worry about the point breaking....